15A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother.
29: 15  Parents of young children often grow weary of disciplining them. They feel like all they do is nag, scold, and punish. When you’re tempted to give up and let your children do what they want— or when you wonder if you’ve ruined every chance for a loving relationship with them— remember that kind, firm correction helps them learn, and learning makes them wise. Consistent, loving discipline will ultimately teach them to discipline themselves.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible
Well another one I can attest to! When I was younger my parents ALWAYS disciplined us in a scriptural manner, pops NEVER spanked us when he was mad! BUT, we always got our discipline. And it seemed like I always got more spankings than leigh or Scott. But looking back i did not get all the spankings or discipline I deserved. And it took me 50 years to finaly figure out what this scripture really meant. And they would say this is going to hurt them more than me. Well we all know that when we got spankings it sure didnt feel like it hurt them worse. It was my behind that got hit not theirs!! And looking back the less they tried to discipline me the worse my actions became, even to the point of me doing things that should have brought shame on them. Thankfully I finally became smart enough to understand. The moral of the story is ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and grow in wisdom and being controlled in your discipline where A child is corrected but also done so in a scriptural many , so that he or she will grow is wisdom and not bring shame to their mother!! by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS