PROVERBS 28:17-18
17 Anyone tormented by the guilt of murder Will seek refuge in the grave; let no one hold them back.
18The one whose walk is blameless is kept safe, but the one whose ways are perverse will fall into the pit.
28: 17-18 Â Helping a murderer feel better is not an act of kindness. The more guilt a murderer feels, the more likely that person is to turn to God and repent. In the same way, if we console or comfort someone in some other serious sin, we may make the way easy for them to continue sinning. Guilt can lead to repentance.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible.
Have we ever felt the need of repentance? and it be a reason of we felt guilt or shame that caused that feeling? Well I have! Just like the time I was selling dope and KNEW I was doing wrong, but did it anyway! But I didn't need anyone to try and offer comfort when I did to make me want to repent, I KNEW I was doing wrong and so I easily repented and BEGGED forgiveness. But the most amazing thing that made me look for repentance and forgiveness was when I told my pops what happened!! And his response to me made me feel so bad and not comforted at all. All he said was "ok son what do we do now"!!!! I didn't need to be told I was wrong, I sure needed that LOVING response he gave with his support of CHRISTIAN love to make me want to repent and have the peace and confidence he had and the ability to love someone even in a time of such evil and despair.
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS AND MAKE SURE that we give a proper response to anyone in there time of need of repentance!! by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS