25Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.
29: 25  Fear of people can hamper everything we try to do. In extreme forms, it can make us afraid to leave home. By contrast, fear of God— respect, reverence, and trust in him is liberating. Why fear people who can do no eternal harm? Instead, fear and trust God, who can turn the harm intended by others into good.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible
We saw the perfect example when covid came out and in some instances rightly so. BUT, I refused to wear a mask and travelled border to border and coast to coast and put my life in GODS hands. I said if God wants me to go by covid then he will take me. But I am NOT gonna be pushed to wear a silly Mask that can't stop the virus. It might stop someone from spreading the virus if they have it by keeping them from sneezing on everyone, yet even then I still said my LORD is in control and will only allow what he deems neccesary to happen, Happen!!
ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and make sure we put all our fear in fear of the LORD which will give us eternal life and allow us to live a life in peace and not fear man while we do!! by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS