ARE WE EVER part of a crime??
24The accomplices of thieves are their own enemies; they are put under oath and dare not testify.
29: 24 This proverb is saying that a thief’s accomplice may not tell the truth when under oath. Thus, by their participation in the crime and perjury in the courtroom, they will hurt themselves. Further, a witness who refuses to report a crime becomes an accomplice.
Tyndale. NIV Life Application Study Bible.
Have we ever seen a crime commited? Or even been around people that are doin dope and kept our mouth quiet?? Or have we ever been part of a gambling operation that is not a legal institution? All are just part of daily life for most people, but we actually shouldn' be. We as Christians are supposed to seperate ourselves from anything that could harm or hurt us, whether it be in character or physically. Trying to live a life without sin, striving to to be a better person and more like CHRIST everyday. by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS