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Philippians 1:14

14 And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.

Today's devotion is a bit different. It is an e-mail correspondence of a shy man that has changed to a bold man of God, and his circumstances are just like mine. It will start with his e-mail to us here at OTWHministries. I want to say that even in the harshest circumstances we can find Jesus Christ grace, mercy and love is the only way we can do His will. Our reasons or justifications will always fail!

1:14 When we speak fearlessly for Christ or live faithfully for him during difficult situations, we encourage others to do the same. Be an encouragement by the way that you live. Tyndale. Life Application Study Bible NIV.

GREGORY INTRODUCTION: Hello Mr. Brooks how are you doing? Me I’m blessed by the grace of God. Hope is all well your way. Just letting you know that I have just started a prayer group here at the camp I am at, and it is growing by the day. (thank God) Also before we pray, I play a gospel song so the folks can clear their head while the song is playing. Then we go into a Scripture for the day, and I also read out what you email me every night so thanks again for the emails. Then we close it out with a prayer/ the Lords Prayer. Have a blessed weekend and may God continue to bless.

RESPONSE FROM RICHARD: Hello Brother Gregory and the prayer group. I want to say how proud I am of others that take the initiative to go the extra mile and do God’s work. It will be a blessing to all of you in the group as you grow in Christ’s love. I also want to thank you for using our emails in the prayer group I hope that you will spread the word to others so they can join our devotions too. That is the only way we have to get the message out there is by word of mouth. But we have to remember how the gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ got started. By only a few devoted men to Jesus and His love. So tell everyone you know about Jesus first and then you can add about us and hope that all that read our devotions get as much good as you do. That is what I know God has for me to do for the rest of m life and is spread the news of what a Great, Graceful, merciful, and loving GOD we serve. Again Bro. Gregory keep up the good work, and God will Bless you beyond belief or imagination. God is Great, and He can open doors that no man can keep closed. I will keep you and all your prayer group in prayer and hope you continue to grow in numbers and spirit. Stay in touch and we will see each other on the other side. I promise to stay in touch with you. You are already in my address book of Brothers in Christ. Also, let us know if you need extra prayer help and we will give our group the message to keep GREAT PRAYER WARRIORS. ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS GOD’S LOVE TO YOU ALL. Your brother in Christ Richard Dean Brooks.

FROM GREGORY: thanks for the message Mr. Brooks, also thanks for prayers. You know we haven’t met yet, but hopefully, we do in due times if it God’s will. But one thing about me is that I’m a shy person and be nervous about speaking in front of a lot of people and the prayer group in growing each day(Thank God), but I let them know that God put a spirit in my heart to speak the message and blessing. We just through with prayer service as we speak and I’m getting the hang of speaking in front of people before prayer so that a blessing. Tonite I read out of the book Ecclesiastics 5:4-7 about people making a vow to God when they need God to bless them. Always pay your vow back when God does bless you, if you don’t and things start not to go your way, then you can’t blame God for it cause you didn’t stop what you were making that you promise God to get that blessing, so it was a nice message for tonight. I have 38 months left to do and pray that something will come through for us that going to get me/you and others back home to family. I am going to give the guys that go to pray service your email address as well. I had told them about it so if you see some new emails that are coming from the guys here. Thanks again take cane love you may God continue to bless.

I brought this today to show that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in God can use any situation or person for His Glory.

ON THE WAY HOME WALK WITH JESUS and speak boldly, with much courage and fearlessly for your Savior, JESUS CHRIST and allow him to use your life for a testimony of what Jesus can do even if you are in chains. by RICHARD DEAN BROOKS

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